Tyler Magnus, a nine-time National Finals Rodeo Qualifier and a former NFR average champion in team roping, contains an immense passion for his field.

“Horses are what it is all about to me. That’s all I have ever done, all I have ever wanted to do.”
This dedication and pride are what led him to develop the Tyler Magnus series of bits with Metalab. In his collection, Magnus has included a variety of bits for different levels of training and various types of communication. As we’ve said before, the main purpose of a bit is to streamline conversation between the horse and their rider; Tyler Magnus’ collection was created with this in mind.
Hinged Correctional Bit:
This piece is placed at a level two for more novice horses; it permits less liberty in the spirit of training. The hinged portion of the bit allows for the rider to pick up one rein and work one side of the horse’s mouth.
Level: 2
Loose Ring Hinged Port Bit:
There are four functioning parts to this bit; both shanks move while the port shifts where they are linked together. This gives a rider the ability to apply pressure to a specific spot while putting less at another.
Level: 2
Ported Link Bit:
Like the Loose Ring Hinged Port Bit, the Ported Link Bit has four moving parts. Both shanks move along with the port where it is linked together, allowing the rider to apply less pressure at a specific spot while applying more to another. Additionally, the copper rings on the port promote salivation in the horse’s mouth, enhancing the taste of the bit, and easing anxiety while the horse rolls the rings in their mouth.
Level: 3
Loose Ring Chain Spoon Bit:
An interesting feature of this bit is the roller piece. A horse can play with the tool in their mouth out of boredom or nervousness, and it’s said to help the horse accept the bit quicker.
Level: 3
Loose Ring Chain Bit:
This bit is ideal for everyday riding as the loose ring and chain give the horse plenty of freedom. It is comfortable and flexible, and it communicates to the horse that they can be at ease.
Level: 3
Chain Bit:
This bit lays nicely over the tongue and bars for leverage. The 8″ cheeks give great balance and allow riders to manage their horse’s chin and poll, making it a great everyday bit for roping or riding.
Level: 3
Correctional Bit:
Like the Chain Bit, the Correctional Bit’s 8″ cheeks give riders leverage to their horse’s chin and poll. Additionally, this bit gives tongue relief where the port is located and should be used as a training tool, not for everyday riding.
Level: 3
Chain C Port Bit:
This bit cues off the roof of the mouth while working with the tongue pressure. We do not recommend this bit for everyday use; it is meant mostly for barrel racing and roping.
Level: 3
Loose Ring Port Spoon Bit:
The loose ring allows the horse to hold the bit where they want in their mouth, supplying comfort and higher mobility. Meanwhile, the port lessens the amount of bar pressure on a horse’s tongue, which prevents them from softening the effect of the bit and helps them understand their rider’s cues.
Level: 4
While some of these bits’ functions mimic each other, they all have unique methods of communication and are meant for different occasions. Stay tuned to learn more about the qualities of each bit and how they can help you and your horse better understand each other. In the meantime, take it from a pro and check out Tyler Magnus’ collection of bits here!