Cowboy Tyler Magnus is a legendary rodeo competitor with an illustrious career that spans nearly 40 years. Magnus is a nine-time National Finals Rodeo qualifier and a former NFR average champion in team roping. He was inducted into the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame in 2009.
Magnus grew up in cattle country, with a dad who was a rancher and trainer, and still remembers his first junior rodeo win at four or five years old. Riding horses what was he did – all day, every day.
“Horses are what it is all about to me. That’s all I have ever done, all I have ever wanted to do.”
While Magnus admits winning is very rewarding, roping is about so much more than that to him. He works hard to be better every day than he was the day before, to make every run better than the run before.
“There is a new mark every day. You are always tweaking your horse and your roping to give yourself an edge, and that is the fun of it for me.”
Magnus believes hard work, determination, and a deep love for what he does are what have made him successful – lessons that he has passed on to his own three kids who also ride, rope and compete.
“Basically, if you want to do it, do it. Anything that is good, anything that is rewarding, anything that you are successful at, it will not be easy. You will probably have more failure than you will have success but if you love what you do, it is all worth it.”
While there are some physical aspects of the sport that Magnus admits are becoming more difficult as he ages, he chooses to simply see that as an area to build strength in his horse.
“Wherever my weakness is, I have to build a strength in my horse and wherever my horse’s weakness is, there has to be a strength in me.”
The desire to building strong, competitive horses and riders is what led Magnus to develop the Tyler Magnus Series of bits with Metalab. You can learn more about his series and shop it here.